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Mimi The Motivator | Are You Getting High Off Your Own Supply?

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What kinds of things are you doing that might be a hinderance to your growth? What habits do you have that might be eating away at your…

What kinds of things are you doing that might be a hinderance to your growth? What habits do you have that might be eating away at your profit line before it can even exist? These habits, if sustained, are detrimental to you and your business. It is detrimental because you are taking away from your own supply. If you own a retail business but you constantly”borrow” items or gift items to friends, how much profit will you make at the end of each cycle? If you own a restaurant and eat a little bit here and there, regardless of how little it may cost, it adds up overtime and affects your profit margin.

On the other hand, are you making sure you’re taking care of yourself first? Because if you have invested the time to generate income, that is your supply. Your income is your supply. So, are you investing in yourself and reaping the reward of your labor? Or are you busy attending to the needs of others and neglecting yours? It is important that you first feed you before attending to others and be mindful of where your supply goes. Keep track of your supply and spend it wisely.

In addition, are you getting high off your own supply of vibrational energy? Or do you get up in the morning and immediately start feeding your energy to instagram, facebook or your emails? Do you take the time to get vibrationally high off yourself first? What if you invested 20 minutes of your day getting high vibrationally before you start sharing it with the world? How different do you think your day will go? Where are you feeding your energy? Are you fixing everyone else’s life and not your own? Invest in yourself and your energy first before sharing you with the world.

Lastly, are you getting high off your own supply of love? You’re loving people but are you loving yourself? Are you feeding on other people’s love, expecting them to feed you constantly to make you feel better? You are your own responsibility. If you don’t like where you are, it is your own responsibility to do something different. Create your own supply and invest in it. You don’t need someone else to invest in you to grow. If you want different, do things different. Only you are responsible for what you want. You have to be the master of your own supply.

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Mimi The Motivator

Your Favorite Motivator’s Favorite Motivator
Introducing Mimi the Motivator, an inspirational business woman, educator and voice in the community. She’s lived between Nashville, TN and Tampa, Florida the majority of her life. Now she spend most of her time in Colorado Springs and traveling the country working with conscious entrepreneurs of various industries.

Mimi the Motivator is a motivational speaker and mindset coach painting the nation green; green is the color of balance, harmony and growth. She has a passion for helping people manifest their desires and becoming the greatest version of themselves, assisting them transform who they are to have what they desire!

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Mimi The Motivator | Are You Getting High Off Your Own Supply?

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